This is my offer
Inner SpaCombo package
Shiatsu + Enneagram combo
By choosing this option, you’ll treat and honour yourself to an Inner Spa experience.
You know that body, mind and soul are connected and you want to experience and discover more of who you are, understand yourself and others and have a more fulfilling life experience.
True self knowledge starts with connecting to our bodies’s sensations and their intelligence. That’s why combining Shiatsu and Enneagram brings a much more powerful healing experience. Discovering the gifts of our human nature, part animal and part angel starts with being very present to our actions, emotions and thoughts.
Only then we can reconnect with our essential nature beyond the constraints of personality.
I offer a truly holistic experience of a Shiatsu and an Enneagram typing and coaching session where you are looked after, feel heard, seen, understood and leave feeling wonderful and with life tools that will enhance the quality of your life and relationships.
The most commonBenefitsclients experience
The most common Benefits clients experience
It aids your physical & mental health
It helps your personal growth
It helps to put yourself at the centre of your life

How it works?
1- You Connect
You book an appointment by sending the form below or you book a free 15min call to assess your needs
2- I contact you
I’ll get back to you with possible dates for a session (or for the free assessment call if that’s what you require)
3- We Book the session
You book the session and attend on the day. You pay on the day with card or cash. If the session is online I send you the payment link and you pay at least 48h before the session.
Leave your details and I'll get back to you with dates for the session.
Request an Appointment
Health in the City: 65 London Wall EC2M 5TU, London